Title: |
Basic Doom I/II Enhanced Sounds |
Filename: |
sounds/basicenh.zip |
Size: |
436.99 KB |
Date: |
01/21/96 |
Author: |
Andrew Prosnik |
Description: |
Tired of having "out of memory" errors when you try to load in your favorite 2MB sound WAD? Hate being stuck with the plain old Doom sounds? The Enhanced Sounds WADs are for you! These WAD files are split into 4 different files so that you can load whichever WAD file is needed by the game you are playing. Why load in the Doom II sounds if you are only playing Doom I? Hate the Doom I and II enhanced sounds but love the new shotgun sound and the death sounds of the Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon? Now you can include only the sounds that you want and save memory at the same time!
This WAD contains "enhanced" versions of the sounds that are common in both Doom I and Doom II. This WAD can be used with both. Most of the sounds pertain to things like gun sounds, door sounds, and explosions. Many of the sounds are the original sounds mixed with sound bites from either Evil Dead II or Army of Darkness. The status bar is "jazzed" up a bit. I think I got the graphics from "NewDoom" or something like that... |
Credits: |
Bruce Campbell Sam Raimi ID Huy Nguyen (Almighty One) |
Base: |
N/A |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
WinDEU 5.2, WinTEX, NWT |
Bugs: |
If you are really low on memory (under 4 MB) and try to load up all the ENH WADs, the game may crash when you shoot the other player (out of memory error). Other than that, this baby works like a charm!
If you find any others, please let me know. |
Rating: |
    (8 votes)
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/idgames protocol:
     | You ALL should feel bad for actually downloading and trying this......you sacks of dog shit. Idiots. | x | |
     | This is bad, and you should feel bad. | x | |
     | THIS. IS. MY. BOOMSTICK! | x | |
     | get out of here and go back to your boring progams | x | |
     | Remixed original sounds with movie clips. Awful 0/5 | x |
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