Title: |
Filename: |
sounds/aoddoom.zip |
Size: |
991.61 KB |
Date: |
10/15/94 |
Author: |
Description: |
Well, I know that there's already a bunch of Army of Darkness patches for
DOOM, but (with apologies to the authors) I was disappointed with
them. There really weren't enough AOD sounds to it and they had
fundamental flaws in them, for example when a imp sees you it says in
Ash's voice "You want some" or something like that. well, that makes it
seem like you are fighting a buch of Ash's. I had about 13MB of
AOD wav files, a few hours to kill during school so decided to give it a go.
if you care, this file was made last March and the only other AOD wad
file at the time was ASH-DOOM. this file is on Software creations and a
few ftp sites but I had never gotten around to putting it here on Infant2
until now. |
Credits: |
Forest Lee
Geoff Haigh
Red Sprague
Rob Mohns
Wiley Cox
Maura Beddes
ID software
and everyone else who has changed DOOM so far. |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
     (2 votes)
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