Title: Access Denied's Music WAD for DOOM, DOOM 2, and HERETIC
Filename: music/admusic2.zip
Size: 579.75 KB
Date: 04/04/96
Author: Access Denied, and the many people out there who graciously upload there MIDI files to FTPs, WWWs, a
Description: THIS IS MY FIRST INTERNET RELEASE! Feedback will be greatly appreciated!

My update to the !MUSIC1.WAD I released earlier on a couple of BBSes. To learn about any updates from then, see the Miscellaneous section below. And now, from the !MUSIC1.TXT file: New music for DOOM, DOOM 2, and HERETIC by Green Day, Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Metallica and more!
Base: (s) New WAD from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinTex, DeuTex, MIDI2MUS, MIDI Orchestrator, MS-DOS Editor, and Notepad!
Rating: (8 votes)
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